Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Three Day Rule

"Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. This is the greatest gift anyone can give."
David Hawkins

A few days ago I forgot the three day rule. This is a great idea from an old friend and this is how it works: Something or somebody upsets you. You want to react from your place of hurt, shock or anger. You don't. You wait. Three days to be exact. A lot can happen in those three days. What I mostly find is that after 72 hours you just don't feel like saying anything anymore. It seems trivial or you have had further insight and feel more understanding. If the subject still requires discussion you have now had three days of contemplation, three nights sleep and hopefully some good nutrition and some laughter mixed in. You are in a much better place to share your feelings in a clear manner that avoids further upset. I really love the three day rule. This wasn't always the case, I use to think it was important for me to speak my mind on every matter immediately. I can proudly say that the majority of the time I now practice the three day rule on a regular basis. Until last Sunday. Sometimes we slip in the mud and sometimes we fall right in. What can I say? I am a work in progress. Aren't we all? If we were complete I think that would mean we were also six feet under. So I happy to be imperfect and ALIVE. These slip-ups were nothing serious really. Just some email and some facebook statuses that ruffled my liberal and spiritual feathers. I am usually happy to slip under the radar and content to live in my own world with my own beliefs that are shared by my closest people. But sometimes......................sometimes I read or hear certain things and I think..... Really? Seriously? Did you just say/write that? Are you really that ignorant/close-minded/selfish? Really? Seriously?

These thoughts are the caution light. The three day rule light is blinking fast and furious but I don't see it. I speed through the caution light and straight on past the red light too and I open my big fat mouth.

Upon reflection the past couple of days I asked myself over and over when should I speak out against ignorance or racism or just plain rude behavior? When is it ok? Then I check my email this morning and I find the quote from above which I will repeat here for good measure. "Make a gift of your life and lift ALL mankind by being KIND, CONSIDERATE, FORGIVING and COMPASSIONATE at ALL times, in ALL places, and under ALL conditions, with EVERYONE as well as YOURSELF. This is the greatest gift you can give." David Hawkins

I LOVE it when my questions are answered so quickly and so clearly. The answer is not that I never speak up, because of course there will be occasions where it is important. However, I should never open my mouth without asking myself the following questions:

1. Am I being kind to myself and others?

2. Am I being considerate of myself and others?

3. Have I forgiven myself and others?

4. How can I say this in the most compassionate way for myself and others?

I have had the honor and privilege of being at a conference where David Hawkins spoke. He is a brilliant man who lives from a very deep place while managing to take himself very lightly. I take his words to heart this morning and I hope you do too.


PS. Why the picture of the clouds with all this talk about kindness, compassion, three day rules and such? Because if all else fails just get a blanket, lay down on it and look up at the sky. Then you will know that whatever is holding those clouds up there can certainly ease your mind and keep you silent in the wonder of it all.

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